Vowgan VRVowgan VR

Snappable Chess Set | VRChat Prefab

This is a custom chess set that snaps the chess pieces to the closest position on the board and an upright rotation. Originally made for my Respawn Objects tutorial, it became much more detailed and overengineered for what I was planning for that video, so I've broken it off into it's own asset. GitHub: https://github.com/VirtualVisions/VowganPrefabs/releases/tag/Chess Demo: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_42bbe74c-245d-4d32-95b9-9b8273f01e5a Support: https://discord.gg/nS3x5Pr License: https://opensource.org/license/mit/

This is a custom chess set that snaps the chess pieces to the closest position on the board and an upright rotation. Originally made for my Respawn Objects tutorial, it became much more detailed and overengineered for what I was planning for that video, so I've broken it off into it's own asset. GitHub: https://github.com/VirtualVisions/VowganPrefabs/releases/tag/Chess Demo: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_42bbe74c-245d-4d32-95b9-9b8273f01e5a Support: https://discord.gg/nS3x5Pr License: https://opensource.org/license/mit/