Vowgan VRVowgan VR

Spin The Bottle | VRChat Prefab

This is a basic "Spin The Bottle" prefab for your Udon VRChat worlds. Simply toss the prefab into your scene and you're ready to go with synced bottle rotation! GitHub: https://github.com/VirtualVisions/VowganPrefabs/releases/tag/Bottle Demo: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_9f3ec359-172f-4d0d-a6ab-4ae622b32557 Support: https://discord.gg/nS3x5Pr License: https://opensource.org/license/mit/

This is a basic "Spin The Bottle" prefab for your Udon VRChat worlds. Simply toss the prefab into your scene and you're ready to go with synced bottle rotation! GitHub: https://github.com/VirtualVisions/VowganPrefabs/releases/tag/Bottle Demo: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_9f3ec359-172f-4d0d-a6ab-4ae622b32557 Support: https://discord.gg/nS3x5Pr License: https://opensource.org/license/mit/